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Wellington, UT
Job Type
Part Time
Date Posted
May 20, 2021
Housing Offered
2-5 yrs
Who we are:
- A small family-owned and operated cattle ranch in Wellington, Utah
- Raising approximately 50 pairs of cattle and calves
- Raising 4 horses and 3 mules
- Two dogs and many cats live on the property
- Property managed: 500 acres of mountain property up Nine Mile Canyon (30 minutes from the farm in Wellington) and 165 acres in Wellington, including 68 acres of agriculturally productive farmland
- Mainly growing grass and alfalfa
What you’ll be doing:
- Daily Operations (morning) feeding and watering cats and dogs, horses, bulls, cows and other animals (Monday – Friday mainly)
- Tending livestock (includes watering, feeding, birthing, branding, pasturing, herding, grooming, and doctoring the ranch's horses, mules and cattle)
- Repairing, maintaining and cleaning fences, ranch buildings, and equipment
- Hauling livestock to market and/or to mountain
- Changing and monitoring wheel lines and hand lines
- Watering trees, flowers, gardens on property
- Managing water supply (reservoir shares, secondary, primary and common)
- Plowing, cutting, baling, loading and stacking hay bales
- Seasonal tasks (weeding, burning, trimming, turning on/off water supply, etc)
- Odd jobs around the property (trimming trees, hauling trash, etc)
Skill, attributes and experience needed to do the job:
- Experience driving a manual truck and trailer
- Experience operating heavy machinery (tractor, baler, swather, backhoe, etc)
- Comfortable around livestock and all animals
- Experience around and riding a horse and/or mule
- Must be a lover of all animals
- Must be responsible, reliable and not afraid to work hard
- Must be responsive and communicative
- We are looking for an individual that truly loves ranching and would be excited to join our operation
- The nature of the work requires flexibility, patience and understanding – Things always go wrong and much is out of our (or your) control
What you’ll get and what we’ll ask for in return:
- This is not a full-time position, and we are open to working around an existing schedule. Some months will require a greater commitment on evenings and weekends (April – October).
- Salary – paid in cash on a monthly basis
- Salary depends on availability, length of commitment and requested “trades”
- May trade labor for housing personal livestock or animals on the farm property and/or on the mountain property
- May trade labor for hay and grass feed
- Access to Nine Mile Canyon Ranch Property for leisure and entertainment
- Minimum commitment of 6 months (Includes a 1-month trial period to ensure fit)
- Will work closely with family members (particularly the patriarch) operating the farm
- Background check is required
- List of references (previous employers or colleagues) is required
- Does not include room and board
To apply, forward bio & resume to our email address. Or call for more info.
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Utah Ranch Jobs
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