Norrie Colony
The Caretaker manages the 15-cabin Norrie Colony in the Frying Pan River Valley of Colorado and lives year-round on site. First and foremost, this is a service job in support of the colony’s members. There is also the option to do additional paid work on cabins.
Preferred skills include carpentry, familiarity with power tools and chainsaws, experience with heavy equipment (backhoe, etc.), light automotive repair, and general ability to learn about and maintain on-site operations, such as the water system and electrical.
Grounds: Lawn cutting, management of nuisance growth and felling trees, with the option to contract out larger jobs, especially those near cabins and powerlines. Oversee ongoing maintenance of the Norrie Barn, Colony Cottage, Lodge, Garage, and Tool Shed; ensure tools are accounted for and stored neatly in the Tool Shed.
Cabin Support: Open and close cabins for the season; trash collection; clean cabins and do laundry as requested by Colony Members; firewood cutting and delivery. Except for trash collection and lawn maintenance, all other cabin work (such as opening and closing, cleaning, and laundry) is for an additional fee paid to the caretaker. For example: if a cabin needs repair work, painting and the like, that may be contracted to the caretaker, who will negotiate the project cost ahead of time with the cabin owner.
Water and ponds: Learn to maintain the colony water system and ensure ditch systems feeding on-site fishing ponds are kept clear and working.
Lodge and Events: Oversee use of guest rooms in the lodge, which are exclusively reserved by colony members for themselves and their guests. Provide meals for these guests as requested (meals and the charge for use of rooms is at an agreed-upon charge that go to the caretaker). Organize and host picnic events for Memorial Day, Fourth of July and Labor Day.
The Caretaker reports to the Board President. They will meet, along with other board members as available, at least once a year for an extensive preview of work to be accomplished at the colony.
While this is a job that requires work throughout the year, the heaviest concentration happens between May and October.
A successful applicant is not required to be married, or have a partner, but past caretakers have found great success living and working as a couple.
The Norrie Colony is surrounded by some of the most beautiful hiking and biking trails in the state, as well as jeep roads and Tenth Mountain Division huts. Excellent fishing is available on the Frying Pan River, which winds through the grounds.
Compensation includes: Living Quarters (two bedrooms) in the main lodge, as well as payment of Utilities, including internet. We will provide funds for purchase of Health Insurance. The Caretaker can earn additional Fees paid by Norrie Members for services rendered at their cabins. When combined with annual salary of $35,000, and ability to earn a merit bonus, the total package value can range from $50,000-$65,000.
To apply, forward bio & resume to our email address. Or call for more info.
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