Furnished Garage Apartment provided and Small Salary for PT Work
Husband/Partner – Must have experience in grounds maintenance, farm equipment maintenance, tractor, weed eater, working a chain saw/wood splitter and fence repair. Some basic plumbing and electrical would be helpful for small repairs around the farm. Errands for feed and trash to dump each week. We have a small coop of chickens that need cleaning each day. Knowledge of how to maintain and keep outdoor equipment clean and organized is necessary.
Truck required and current driver’s license with good driving history.
Work hours for maintenance are 5 hours daily (mornings) and 2 hours weekend work.
English Speaking Please
Wife/Partner – The job requires 2-3 hours daily with help cooking, housekeeping and transporting child to and from school. Some occasional care for 5-year-old boy.
Provided for you is a very nice, fully furnished NY style open loft garage apartment with full kitchen, bath, wash/drier and a king-sized bed. The apartment is only large enough for 2 people. Utilities and Cable TV included. Small salary of $1,000 a month provided in addition to the apartment. You also have access to a fenced garden area to grow your own vegetables and a large pond for fishing. Looking for someone long term.
About Us
We are a good, Christian Family and live a healthy lifestyle.
Must love all animals and be hard workers. We are a very private family and enjoy our peaceful life and will respect your privacy.
Please send your work history, references, contact info and other pertinent information via text or email.
Email Address Hidden
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Georgia Ranch Jobs
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