Seeking a horse-centric farm hand & winter caretaker for a small horse farm in Clyde Park, Montana.
Year-round position available with a lovely, fully furnished cottage and utilities provided IN EXCHANGE for am/pm chores and TLC! Tasks include but are not limited to: tending to horses, goats, hens, rabbits, cats, plants, and property care with plenty of time for your own hobbies, passions, and remote work.
Seeking a CLEAN, fastidious, responsible, conscientious, non-smoking, minimal drinking homebody with farm experience and animal love. NOT a position for someone who commutes. Perfect situation for an artist, writer, seasonal worker, retiree, or a remote(on-line) employee. A single individual WITH HORSE EXPERIENCE & WITHOUT DEPENDENTS OR PETS.
Require strong, healthy individual who is observant and respectful of other people’s property, loving of animals, good communicator, able to lift 50# feed sacks, daily manure cleaning, deal with snow, leaves and debris. Should be handy and able to make small repairs. Excellent references, and resume requested. Nearby skiing and social activities and a walk to groceries, the PO, bank and gas. NOT REMOTE. Available immediately – June 2023.
Forward cover letter & resume to our email address.
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