Large ranch located in north-central South Dakota needs an experienced ranch employee.
Duties include working with cattle, calving, herd health, branding and vaccinating cattle, feeding, haying and equipment maintenance work. No farming.
Housing, benefits and beef provided. Salary depends on experience. Must be a self-starter and able to think on your feet.
The ranch is a fourth-generation family-owned commercial cow-calf operation.
Ranch hand will work under the direction of the ranch owner. Successful applicant will gain real-world knowledge of rotational grazing, maintenance of riparian areas and best practices conservation techniques.
Necessary Skills: Ranch Hand must be able to take direction, think on their feet, and be a self-starter. Experience working with cattle is essential. Ability to ride a horse is helpful. Ability to perform general equipment maintenance necessary.
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South Dakota Ranch Jobs
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All Ranch Jobs, Cattle Ranch Jobs, Family Ranch Jobs, Ranch Cowboy Jobs, Ranch Hand Jobs, Ranch Jobs with Housing