Looking for a caretaker (or caretaker couple) for a 100 acre ranch in the mountains near Aspen Co. General Building and infrastructure maintenance, landscape management (forest management, irrigation, planting, etc.), caring for 4 horses, snow removal, gardening, maintaining and fixing machinery like tractors and chainsaws, etc.
Must have 5-10 years of relevant experience, be a self starter and ok with living in the high country (housing provided).
If you’re part of a team or couple, we would want one to help with cleaning, food prep, groceries, etc.
Please reach out if it sounds like a fit.
To apply, forward bio & resume to our email address.
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Colorado Ranch Jobs
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All Ranch Jobs, Horse Care / Training Jobs, Ranch Caretaker Jobs, Ranch Handyman / Maintenance Jobs, Ranch Jobs for Couples / Teams, Ranch Mechanic Jobs, Ranch Supervisor Jobs