Brand New, Off Grid, Start up Farm/Ranch/ eco-village, north of Valle. We're in need of someone with PROVEN experience in designing animal pens/shelters, for various farm animals.
Must know What kind of fencing to use, and how to keep the animals in and the best ways to keep predators out! Also to help feed and care for the animals and any other tasks that we need help with here.
Experience in animal husbandry a plus
Experience living off grid a plus
- MUST: Have your own vehicle, preferably a 4×4 (we're off grid and down a unmaintained dirt road)
- MUST: Pass a background test
- MUST: Be trustworthy, dependable, and honest
- MUST: Be a team player and able to work independently
- MUST: Be able to work in all weather conditions if the time arises
- MUST: Be in excellent physical condition, and able to lift between 50-100 lbs (feed mostly & other things around the farm).
We are at 6200' elevation. Right now the average temperatures are 50° daytime, and 20° night time. If you want to get a good idea of the current weather conditions, check out Valle, AZ weather conditions.
The pay and living quarters vary depending on your proven level of expertise. I have a small loft in the main small cabin, a small hunters cabin, and a small rv (which currently will be used for the showers until the shower house is completed, which we're currently working on).
We are hiring immediately!
Call or email for more info.
Send your Resume thru our website: azecovillage.com, ATTENTION: Hiring!
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Arizona Ranch Jobs
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