JPJ Rockies Ranch
132 acre private equine farm with 63 horses, no outside or boarded horses-closed farm.
Need a person or working couple (NON SMOKERS) that is an all around knowledgeable handy man that has equine experience… and…if a working couple ideally a person that will specialize in handling the horses.
NOTE-prepping this farm and horses for marketing prior to relocating to AZ, possibly CO.
I will be putting this farm in Texas, for sale ASAP and plan to move to AZ and build a new farm on irrigated acreage, in the mountains above Scottsdale/the Valley. Initially, there will be a time period of about one month to complete maintenance and repairs for marketing, then sell here and help with move to AZ, build new equine facilities and remain on the new farm permanently caring for the horses and facilities (I have totally built two farms in CO and TX in the past and look forward to the future and adventure).
Salary is commensurate with abilities and experience. Position is permanent. Live on site, all utilities included (including high speed internet and 42 inch TV with 250 channels).
The needs of the horses comes first-period.
-minor fencing
-minor cutting trees
-mowing pastures with 15 foot batwing shredder,
-tractor/loader operating
-weed eating fence lines
-cleaning barns, power washing facilities
-minor carpentry, electrical and plumbing
-welding and straightening damaged gates and panels
-general mechanical abilities
****I DO NOT EXPECT ONE PERSON to be able to do everything listed above, however he must be able to perform most of the above list****
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