Corner Post Meats
Corner Post Meats
Multi-Species Ranch in Colorado Springs, Colorado,
We are growing fast and have new job opportunities available!
October, 2016
Entry Level Opportunity to join Corner Post Meats
This is an opportunity to join a pasture-based multi-species production and meats distribution business based out of a 1,500 acre ranch in Black Forest, CO. Located between Colorado Springs and Denver at 7,500 feet, the ranch is equally remote and convenient to civilization. Corner Post Meats (CPM) covers the whole “ranch to consumer” process from pasture-to-plate. We currently raise, market and distribute grass-finished beef and lamb as well as pasture raised pork, chicken, eggs and turkey direct to the public and restaurants.
This is an entry level position to work alongside 3 to 6 other crew members in the day to day responsibilities of our operation.
We are looking for multiple people to fill two separate positions:
A. Production (Out On The Ranch)
B. The S.M.D. side (Sales, Marketing, Distribution )
The right candidates for any job at Corner Post needs to be:
-Detail orientated.
-Observant of their surroundings and every day activities.
-Able to coordinate job duties and work well in a team and be respectful of others.
-Committed to the search of personal development and the right career path for themselves.
This opportunity is intended for people looking for much more than just a fun seasonal job.
1. Job Specifics:
“What to expect at Corner Post Meats”
First and foremost this is an entry level opportunity open to those who can demonstrate a genuine interest and desire to enter into a “farm to plate” career in Colorado. This opportunity is very similar to an internship/apprenticeship however this a “working” experience. We are looking for applicants who can look away from their cell phones long enough to demonstrate the ability to work hard, handle responsibility, be self-motivated, and focus on the job at hand.
There is a big difference between knowing About our business and truly knowing how to Do our business. For life on the ranch, there is no substitute for years spent in the pastures with the animals noticing what keeps animals and land healthy and profitable. As for the ability to take a product from the pasture to the plate, there is nothing more important than years spent implementing the systems needed to execute the process of getting meat to our customers.
A job at CPM involves one of the following job areas:
“Out on the Ranch”:
A. Animal Husbandry 101: Every day system of checking the following: water, feed, pasture, fence, shelter and health. As you master the day to day chores you’ll need to accept that there is no shortcut to long hours with the animals on the land.
B. Stockmanship: How to gather and move animals from one area to another.
C. Intensive Grazing Techniques: When and where to move your animals.
D. Livestock Fencing and Water Development: Permanent and Temporary electric and barbed wire fencing construction, maintenance and operation. Construction, design and maintenance of livestock watering systems.
It must be well understood that this job entails a large degree of manual labor.
This position encompasses the following job responsibilities and chores:
o Daily/Weekly pasture moves and feeding of intensively grazed: cattle, pigs, meat chickens, turkeys, layer hens, and sheep.
o Fence building (permanent barbed /electric and temporary electric)
o Egg Handling and washing
o Since we are also a direct to consumer meats business, candidates must be willing to occasionally assist with many aspects of the supply chain such as:
o The packaging of customer’s meat orders
o Distribution of orders to pick up locations
o Transportation of livestock
“Sales, Marketing, Distribution”
This is an opportunity to get a very in depth experience in what it takes to thrive in the direct market meats business. You will gain a very clear understanding of the following: cuts and breakdown of meat, inventory management software, customer relationship building, and all of the logistics involved with getting our product to the customer.
This position encompasses the following job responsibilities and chores:
o An understanding of where and how our products are raised is key to the ability to convey our philosophy and methods to the public. The first week of this position begins with a hand in the day to day chores on the ranch in order to obtain a clear picture of the business. This includes but is not limited to; Daily/Weekly pasture moves and feeding of intensively grazed: cattle, pigs, meat chickens, turkeys, layer hens, and sheep.
o Since we are a direct to consumer meats business, candidates for this position day to day will involve many aspects of the supply chain, such as:
o The packaging of customer’s meat orders
o Transportation of livestock and meats to and from the processor
o Answering customer calls and emails
o Attending Farmers Markets
o Weekly deliveries to customers and local restaurants
2. Basics of CPM’s Seasonal Opportunity:
The position begins with two three month winter seasons. Applicants who are invited to stay on the ranch for both winter seasons will be given first preference for the summer season job. The Fall / Nov 1st marks the end of this opportunity. Occasionally people who have been through all 3 seasons and show an interest and passion for their work and career path are offered continuing opportunities and pay increases.
The current opportunity will begin with two fall/winter work seasons and a six month summer season. Each season differs quite a bit as colder weather sets in:
Fall (3 month) = Nov 15 – Jan 31
Winter (3 month) = Feb 1 – April 30
Summer (6 month) = May 1 – Oct 31
Winter Season
This is the time of year for projects indoor and out: fencing, building, cutting trees, cleaning, helping pack customer boxes, feeding and moving animals. Be ready to do anything in any weather…
Summer Season
The summer season as with any farm/ranch is the basis of what earns your bread and butter. This is our busiest season.
All positions at Corner Post are very demanding but rewarding jobs with a lot of responsibility. Our ranch often has a large amount of customers visiting the ranch; this position will require a lot of public interaction with on farm pickup of meat orders, tours, educational seminars and farm to table dinners. In addition to long days, meat and veggies are provided and are often prepared and enjoyed as a team so be ready to spend a lot of time together.
-Long hours each day with one day off per week.
-Meals included
-Bunkhouse style housing available.
• Pay $400 per month starting wage.
• Housing Included
• Food: Meat and Veggies are provided for Breakfast, lunch and dinner are often eaten as a crew.
3. Candidates who wish to apply:
No previous ranch experience is needed for the right candidate who can demonstrate an excellent work ethic and genuine interest in a career at Corner Post Meats.
Keep in mind: Working in the outdoors means that weather is not always so friendly and the daily issues that pertain to life and death of livestock are not always pleasant. We DO experience snow, cold, wind, sleet, hail, heat and we are usually out in it. A basic understanding of what it means work in Agriculture helps your chances of being hired. Explaining a strong desire to be a part of all this described and why will also help in the selection process.
Sorry no children, spouses not employed by the ranch or pets are allowed to accompany seasonal employees.
Social Drinking is allowed but drug use of any kind is not tolerated.
Qualified candidates will be asked to visit the ranch at their own expense for a two day group working interview in order to see if the job is a good fit for both yourself and Corner Post.
Take a look at these short intro video:
Corner Post Meat
Seasonal Work Opportunity to get into Farming and Ranching
Email your answers to the following to: [FILLED]
1. Please fill out this brief summary:
a. Name___________________________
b. Age ________
c. Education ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
d. Recent job history: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
e. Skills, and any previous experience you see as relevant information:
2. Answers to the following questions:
a. Describe your vision of a job in agriculture, food systems and land stewardship. In what ways are you interested in incorporating these aspects into a career? How does a career with Corner Post Meats help you along that path?
b. What skills, background, and/or qualities do you have that you feel will be a good fit for working on a farm/ranch.
c. Working on a ranch always equals manual labor and long hours. Please tell us why that is a good fit for you.
d. If you were asked to go and check on a group of pigs in the pasture, what would you consider important to notice?
e. Life hardly ever goes as we plan… However, if you traveled in time 5 years and decided to send a letter back in time to tell yourself how great your life was and why, what would it say? Where would you live? What would you be doing for a career? What would you want to tell your present self to do next in order to reach this great happy life?
f. This position requires driving on a regular basis. Do you have a valid driver’s license? Do you have any experience or interest driving ¾ and 1 Ton trucks with trailers?
g. Anything else that you can think of to give us a better feel for yourself and your interests helps.
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Colorado Ranch Jobs
Posted In
Administrative/Operations Jobs, All Ranch Jobs, Cattle Ranch Jobs, Entry Level Ranch Jobs, Farm Ranch Jobs, Internship / Apprentice Jobs, Ranch Hand Jobs