Assistant Ranch Manager Needed at Dairy and Beef Ranch

Filled / Expired

Heartland Estate Staffing

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Northern California
Job Type
Full Time
Date Posted
February 22, 2018

Assistant Ranch Manager needed for Dairy and Beef operation in remote location in Northern California. This is not a typical dairy and previous dairy experience is not required. This 100-year business has been able to sustain their longevity due to their commitment to adaptation, innovation and outward thinking and ideal candidates will display a similar commitment.

Primary responsibilities will be personnel management, reporting and record keeping, farming practices, herd health and nutrition and intensive pasture management. Must be hands-on with a thorough knowledge of cattle and crop production, preferably 5 years of experience. Should have computer skills including Microsoft Office Suite and demonstrate ability to learn industry specific programs including Dairy Comp 305 and EZ Feed. Must have the ability to work independently and be self-directed. The ability to create and present interesting, informative and educational product presentations would be a plus.

This is a live-style position that requires long hours and dedication to the position during peak seasons. The employer is looking for a long-term fit. Competitive salary and housing provided.

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