Big Timber, Montana ranch is in search of a well rounded individual to fill a position focused heavily on vehicle and equipment maintenance. That being said, we are looking for someone who enjoys doing all the jobs on a ranch. We aren’t big enough for a dedicated mechanic so just looking for someone who wants to take a lead in the shop.
Qualified applicants will have had previous farm or ranch experience. There is currently no haying or farming. Cattle work is done primarily with ATV’s but if someone enjoys riding there will be some opportunity for that from time to time.
We have gentle cattle and approach their handling with low stress. Fencing and noxious weed spraying are a big part of the job description so knowledge in those areas is ideal. Winter feeding is primarily done with bale bed pickups and a processor for young cattle. Branding is done on a hydraulic table. Weeds are sprayed using ATV sprayers.
Compensation package consists of housing, utilities, freezer beef (when available), eggs, vehicles for ranch work, monthly salary decided based on experience.
Qualified applicants will be able to pass a background check, provide at least 3 work related references, and be insurable on ranch policies.
Please forward cover letter, resume & references to our email address listed.
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Montana Ranch Jobs
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