Position Wanted: Seeking Ranch Work Opportunity ~ Willing to Relocate

Filled / Expired

Callen N.

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Willing to relocate
Job Type
Full Time, Year round
Date Posted
July 9, 2024
Housing Needed
0-2 yrs

My Name is Callen N. I am 20 years old and currently in Austin TX. I am an Eagle Scout and avid outdoorsman I grew up hunting with my grandfather and running around cattle with cousins. I have never formally worked in agriculture but I have helped my sister raise two steers and a lamb for FFA when she needs it so the work is no stranger. I am a quick learner and have an unwavering work ethic. Where I lack in knowledge I make up for in effort and intuitive thinking.

I work well with others but I am capable of working alone. I have a valid drivers license and truck with a clean record. I don’t drink or smoke. I am comfortable with working in harsh environments and staying in the back country for multiple days if needed.

I have experience in construction, corporate sales, and retail

My resume is available upon request

This would be a full commitment for me. Willing to relocate anywhere between Montana and Texas.


Reach out via email or phone at your convenience.

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