Willow Creek Ranch & Perfect Light Ranch
Willow Creek Ranch 19,000 ac. and Perfect Light Ranch 5,000 ac. are located in the Shields Valley. Both Ranches are managed for wildlife and recreation. These ranches do have active cattle grazing and agriculture but are leased to a local cattle rancher. You must be self motivated and there will be times you will be working by yourself with limited supervision. Here at the Willow Creek Land Co. we work as a team (5 other employees) we work hard and we complete a lot of tasks in a timely manner. If you enjoy being outside and are willing to work hard, in a beautiful area this is a summer job for you. You will have most weekends off to enjoy all that Montana has to offer.
This position goes from: immediately – Sept 4
Duties will mostly be: Old fence removal, sage grinding with a tractor and flail chopper, weed spraying using a 4-wheeler, agriculture field prepping and maintenance, yard work, water tank projects, trail clearing, irrigation and various landscape work.
Applicants must have past working experience operating farm tractors, 4-wheelers, chainsaw, and hold a valid drivers license.
Ranch hands work 5-9 hour days and have most weekends off.
You must have your own vehicle for personal use, transportation on ranches is provided
Housing is supplied- you will have your own cabin to stay in on site.
No Smoking and No Pets
To apply: If you are interested please send cover letter and resume to my e-mail. Please no phone calls, I will contact you. Thanks Ed
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Montana Ranch Jobs
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All Ranch Jobs, Farm Ranch Jobs, Groundskeeping Jobs, Ranch Hand Jobs, Summer Ranch Jobs